
A Venture of Service and Love

A Venture of Service and Love

Voices – tiny, unheard, or maybe it ceases to be heard, but after all, it goes back to their values, to their principles, to what they fight for. And that’s what it’s all about.
Negrosanon Young Leaders Summit for years of crafting leaders towards wakening the call of servant leadership within them has come to its third year – and so, it means that leaders still thrive and is thriving to wherever they are now.

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Welcoming Twenty-Nine-Teen!

Welcoming Twenty-Nine-Teen!

Happy New Year from our budding organization by the youth, for the youth, and for the communities of Negros!
We commit to continuously work towards advancing youth-led and youth-focused initiatives on our five advocacy focus, and most especially in educating our communities of the realities that we face, the issues we need to address together, and the work we can all do, collectively.

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Our life is not as constant as it is. The universal power that holds us all is the love we yearn to both give and receive, hence, this is where our naked eyes should not be blinded but rather opened to the realities that exist, whether good or bad. Negrosanon Young Leaders Summit, for two years of successfully crafting leaders of change, has indeed rippled numerous hearts to not feel apathetic but more vigilant to the pressing issues that surround our society.

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