Center for Health and Well-Being

NYLI Center for Health and Well-Being takes a holistic approach by providing a person-centered care. The center strives to integrate basic health and well-being services at the community level and hopes that every individual is capacitated and equipped for healthy growth and development.

It envisions a society where every individual has access to equitable and efficient care and is able to live a life that promotes and nurtures overall health and well-being.


Anchored on the goal to strengthen health behaviors through health education, linking them to resources, and providing technical support to individuals and their communities. We aim to cultivate safe spaces of primary care that attends to the holistic development of an individual and with respect to their context. Specifically, CHW seeks to:

  1. Link equitable and efficient health care for the individual and their communities.
  2. Promote a healthy sense of self by creating environments and opportunities that nurture physical, cognitive, and psychosocial well-being; and
  3. Empower health care providers and strengthen health behaviors through health education and resource allocation.